Entry 1

My inner critic tells me that my writing is terrible and will always be terrible. That I'm not meant to write. That my sentences are pathetic, my story is something only a novice would write, that I have no imagination. That I'll never be as good as this writer, or never make as much money as that writer. This is why sometimes I lose my interest in writing but still managed to overcome it somehow.

Besides of my inner critic, my perfectionist self is also the reason why I experience Writer's block. I think it’s normal if I want to do my very best, to get everything just right before I even start my first sentence. There are times that I use perfectionism as a protection mechanism, to protect myself from harsh critique or failure. Unfortunately, trying to write the perfect sentence, paragraph, or novel sometimes leads me to never write a single word.

I tried free writing or writing without rules. I start writing down any thought that might pop into my head without editing or censoring. The idea is to let my imagination roam free. Set a timer for 5 minutes and write non-stop. After the exercise, I read what I've wrote and see if anything pops out that inspires me more.

My friend who is comic creator, suggested to change my scenery so that I'll be able to overcome writer's block. She said sometimes, all it needs to clear the head and get some new ideas and try working from a different environment like a coffee shop or co-working space the next time I feel stuck and need some inspiration. She said it also helps her to overcome writer's block whenever she experience it.

The possible changes that I can think to overcome writer's block is switching my tasks. I just thought, instead of dwelling on the same plot twist or trying to find the perfect first sentence, switch tasks and work on something completely different for a while. This could be another creative activity, like painting, or something simple, like walking the dog or cooking a nice meal. Switching tasks can be a quick reset, I think, if I'm feeling stuck.


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