Fancy Little House
Here’s a
story about my childhood toy,
That gave
me so much joy.
little house without a boy.
Four girls
build with plastic;
and fantastic
Meet Diana,
the oldest in the house.
hair, brown skin,
Wait, have
you seen her with that blouse?
Hair and
dresses smells like rose.
But her
gorgeous small face was eaten by a mouse.
Then my
black Bratz doll, whose name is Loric.
Her dark
blue eyes will make you fall like Titanic.
Has the
coolest dress as cool as Atlantic,
But I lost
her big head,
Now she
just looks like a stick.
Now is Mae,
the mermaid housemate.
Long white
hair which looks so great.
She can’t
be dress up; she can’t go to dates.
But now I
lost her, I hope she already ate.
Barbara, my favorite girl.
perfect including her curls.
Has so many
accessories made of pearls,
But I
burned her so she’s also gone.
Beneath my
hands they all come to life.
They treat
me like a god, so big and so wise.
But now,
they’re gone. So is the fun.
little house, now empty and dull.
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